The Gardener's Errand!

The Gardener's Errand!
Here's my 1st novel, please L/Click photo above for Smashwords. This site's content pages are listed at end of this page.

Book1 - The Gardener's Errand!

Cradle to grave we traverse life – but what and where is it?

Adversity and survival in a hyper environment!
This fictional story draws upon many real-world natural phenomena and contemporary theories. Spanning from the very known limits of smallness to the incomprehensible vastness of the Multiverse; perpetually playing to our insatiable curiosity and latent adventurism.
By Glynn's transportation to the Multiverse, he is thrust into an epic journey of profundity. Operating at the smallest of known physical limits, his hyper-advanced antagonists have a significant task for him to perform: To assist in the repair of their life-sustaining, yet dysfunctional, power generating Black Hole. Harnessing the ability to synthesise and construct all types of subatomic wave particles - they can assemble any atom, element, compound, molecule, material and structure. Many of which are currently unknown to ourselves. Even so, only complex biology tempered with life's experiences is thought to be able to accomplish their critical need! In a state of extreme shock and denial, Glynn, with a singular mindset and naturally strong survival instinct to see his family again - reluctantly complies. Throughout this uniquely darkish adventure he, aided by an advanced navigational computer, encounters many a remarkable vista and challenge.
Exclusively available from Smashwords, please left click for more information.

Snippets of interest:

As "The Gardener's Errand!" contains many references to interesting real-world natural phenomena, appealing to the broadest range of ages, I didn't add any strong expletives. Even so; naturally expressive dialogue is used throughout, plus the strength of its complex storyline - wouldn't make it suitable for young children. In my opinion, I would rate it as PG. If like me, you're curious about the included phenomena – Wikipedia and Google are great places to start exploring these references: Though it's always good to obtain confirmatory second sources of information.
This novel took about four years (not solidly), to reach its current level of completion. However, I'd started thinking about it in early 1990! Its physical construction (the 3 chapters), approximately mimics the 3 phases of an insect's development - incomplete metamorphosis, instar and final adulthood.
A touch of humour: In my quest for naming my invisible (beyond sight), robots – I thought of many prefixes to “bot”. The most interesting and appropriate sounding ones were commercially taken! So I was stuck, but my wife came up with Blatta - Latin for cockroach. As I've always been impressed with cockroaches; they being (proportionately), one of the fastest animals on the planet – I gladly went with it. Even so, a typo on my part 😬 spelt Blatta as Blatto! Latin for babble – babblebot. 😅 I will probably correct this on an update, but we both quite like its sound and nod to humour. This, amongst other odd pieces of spelling and grammar mistakes, has now been corrected.

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